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How To Keep Your Macbook Battery Healthy And Extend Its Life

How To Keep Your Macbook Battery Healthy And Extend Its Life

How to Keep Your Macbook Battery Healthy and Extend Its Life

Are you looking for ways to make your Macbook battery last longer? Don’t worry - keeping your Macbook battery healthy is easier than you think. With a few simple steps, you can extend the life of your Macbook battery and save you money in the long run.

Understanding Your Battery

The first step to keeping your Macbook battery healthy is to understand how it works. Your Macbook’s battery is composed of a number of cells that store electricity. When you charge your Macbook, the cells are filled with electricity, and when you use your Macbook, the cells are depleted.

Calibrating Your Battery

Calibrating your Macbook battery is essential to keeping it healthy. Calibrating your battery will help ensure that the battery is accurately displaying the remaining charge in your Macbook. To calibrate your battery, you will need to run your Macbook on battery power until it shuts down. Once the Macbook has powered down, you can plug it back in and charge it to full capacity.

Other Tips to Keep Your Battery Healthy

In addition to calibrating your battery, there are a few other tips that you can follow to help keep your battery healthy and extend its life:

  • Avoid running your Macbook on battery power for extended periods of time.
  • Avoid exposing your Macbook to extreme temperatures.
  • Avoid running intensive programs or applications that require a lot of battery power.
  • Avoid charging your Macbook battery to 100% every time. It is recommended that you charge your battery to 80%.
  • Avoid using third-party chargers or batteries for your Macbook.
  • Store your Macbook in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • Clean your Macbook battery contacts regularly.


By following these tips, you can extend the life of your Macbook battery and ensure that it remains healthy. Calibrating your battery regularly is essential to keeping it healthy, and avoiding running intensive applications, exposing your Macbook to extreme temperatures, and using third-party chargers and batteries can also help prolong the life of your battery. Finally, make sure to store your Macbook in a cool, dry place when not in use and clean the battery contacts regularly.

How to Keep Your MacBook Battery Healthy and Extend Its Life
How to Keep Your MacBook Battery Healthy and Extend Its Life
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