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How To Disable The Shake To Undo Feature In Ios 9

How To Disable The Shake To Undo Feature In Ios 9

How To Disable The Shake To Undo Feature On Ios 9: A Comprehensive Guide

iOS 9, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, includes several new features and improvements. One of the most notable is the Shake to Undo feature, which allows users to simply shake their device to undo an action. While this feature can be useful in some cases, it may be annoying for others. Fortunately, there is a way to disable this feature. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide detailed instructions on how to disable Shake to Undo in iOS 9.

Understanding Shake to Undo

The Shake to Undo feature was introduced with iOS 9 and is designed to allow users to quickly undo an action by shaking their device. This is particularly useful when typing on a small screen, as it provides an easy way to undo mistakes without having to reach for the undo button. However, many users find this feature to be intrusive and annoying, and would prefer to have it disabled. Fortunately, iOS 9 makes it easy to do so.

Disabling Shake to Undo

When it comes to disabling Shake to Undo in iOS 9, there are two methods to choose from. The first is to disable the feature in the Settings app, and the second is to disable it in the Accessibility settings. Let's take a look at both methods in detail.

Disabling Shake to Undo in the Settings App

The first method for disabling Shake to Undo in iOS 9 is to do so in the Settings app. To do this, open the Settings app and navigate to the General section. From there, scroll down and tap on the Shake to Undo option. You will then be presented with a toggle switch to turn the feature off. Simply turn the toggle switch off and you will have successfully disabled Shake to Undo in iOS 9.

Disabling Shake to Undo in Accessibility Settings

The second method for disabling Shake to Undo in iOS 9 is to do so in the Accessibility settings. To do this, open the Settings app and navigate to the General section. From there, scroll down and tap on the Accessibility option. You will then be presented with a list of options. Tap on the Shake to Undo option, and you will be presented with a toggle switch to turn the feature off. Simply turn the toggle switch off and you will have successfully disabled Shake to Undo in iOS 9.


Shake to Undo is a useful feature that can be found in iOS 9, but it may be intrusive and annoying for some users. Fortunately, iOS 9 makes it easy to disable the feature in either the Settings app or the Accessibility settings. By following the instructions outlined above, you should have no trouble disabling Shake to Undo in iOS 9.

How to turn off shake to undo on iPhone - 9to5Mac
How to turn off shake to undo on iPhone - 9to5Mac
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Detail Insight Video

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